Bath and Shower Jelly Soap Recipe

Bath and Shower Jelly Soap Recipe

Bath and Shower Jelly Soap Recipe

This is a make-it-yourself recipe for the hugely popular Lush shower jelly. It is easy to make and clean up, inexpensive, no complicated ingredients, and fun! Lots of options for any age - not just kids!   I found it to be a great project to do with my grandkids ages 2-9. They chose the scent they wanted and the colour they wanted. I had some Castille liquid soap hanging around the shop and decided to use it for this project. Unfortunately, it's a pale yellow so our blue became green. The only other problem was that the kids had a hard time waiting for the soap to harden. They kept putting their fingers in the molds to see if they were ready. You might want to do this as a bedtime activity so that in the morning, they can unmold.


    • 2 packets of Knox Unflavored Gelatine

    • 3/4 cup boiling water

    • 1 cup unscented liquid soap or shower gel (clear with no color if you want to color them yourself)

    • 1/2 tsp salt

    • Something to use as a mold: silicon molds, mini yogurt contains, other flexible molds. You can even use sandwich containers and then cut into squares once it is set.


    • 2-3 drops natural color or food colouring

    • body safe glitter

    • silk flowers

    • small plastic animals, fish, dinosaurs, etc

In a saucepan, melt the oils, beeswax and butters together until it reaches 130-140ºF.


    1. Mix gelatine and boiling water in measuring cup.

    1. Add liquid soap and mix well.

    1. Mix in salt, colour and scent and optional glitter.

    1. Place optional flowers or toys into molds.

    1. Pour the liquid mixture into mold.

    1. Place in fridge till firm.

    1. Unmold.

    1. Place in container in bathroom.

Essential Oils:

    • Grapefruit / other citrus / Sunshine Spice for cheer

        • Warning: Citrus oils can be used but are best when blended with another oil. Use sparingly as they are photosensitizing.

Fragrance Oils:

    • See our list of Fragrance Oils - they’re the best on the market! They are a little pricier than others but to the best of our knowledge, no one in 20 years has had a reaction to them

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