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Free shipping on orders over $125.00 is back UNTIL cANADA pOST RAISES THEIR RATES.
Did you know your food is laced with all kinds of man-made chemicals? Pesticides and preservatives, plastic packaging and food storage containers, non-stick coatings - all of these chemicals seep into the food you eat on a daily basis.
Did you know that your skin is like a giant sponge? The body absorbs many of the ingredients we put on our skin, directly into the blood stream. These can then take up residence in our major organs like the kidneys, liver, and brain, where they are stored and accumulate in our bodies for years. It is estimated that women put between 150-250 chemicals on their skin before they walk out the door every morning. For men it is around 150. Add that up over a year: 150 chemicals a day x 365 days = 54,750! It adds up quickly - and that's just through your skin.
Then add environmental toxins from the workplace, air and water pollution, chemicals our food and cooking implements, furniture, house cleaners, etc.
We literally have a toxic soup of chemicals we use and wear all day long, day after day, year after year!
There are now over 84,000 chemicals being used in everyday items, including food, skin care products, fabrics, paints, couches and more, most of which haven't been studied for safety. Approximately 1% have been tested for long term use. 99% have not! Some have even been tested and found to contain harmful chemicals, and yet have not been banned. A couple of examples:
Many people and scientists argue that these chemicals are not toxic in low doses. That the amount of these chemicals in our everyday food and products is very low. The problem is that, when determining toxicity levels, chemicals are tested in isolation. They DON'T take into consideration the interaction with the other chemicals present in the product OR the 84,000 other chemicals we are absorbing and ingesting on a daily basis. A recent study found that some chemicals considered non-carcinogenic on their own may become carcinogenic when interacting with each other. It is also important to take into account the accumulation of chemicals in the body over time.
Scientists suspect that EDCs are responsible for the decrease in the age of puberty. They are also linked to birth defects, lower sperm count, infertility, diabetes, poor memory, poor metabolism, poor growth, cardio diseases and cancer. Found in almost all households, they EDCs can be found in:
Because the large corporations who produce the chemicals and everyday products are keen to protect their profits, it can be very difficult to find reliable information. I checked out this website thinking I would get an unbiased view. Turns out this website is run by the American Chemistry Council who is made up of the top chemical producers in the world. Do you really think you are going to get true, unbiased information? The first few paragraphs had reduced the number of chemicals to 7700. After researching, I found no statistics to back up their numbers. They appear to be trying to make it look like everyone else is exaggerating and biased against the chemical companies. Don’t fall for it.
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by Joanna Rosso
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Isabel Jardine
May 21, 2021
I use lamb’s wool dryer balls instead of fabric softner sheets and I use Nallies cloth detergent