Is there such a thing as environmentally safe packaging? GREENWASHING Aluminum

Is there such a thing as environmentally safe packaging? GREENWASHING Aluminum

Is there such a thing as environmentally safe packaging? GREENWASHING Aluminum

Bloomberg did an article claiming that aluminum was greener than glass packaging. Hmm. Better look twice at that claim. In Ontario alone, up to 96% of glass beer bottles are recycled and used up to 15 times. Less than half of aluminum packaging is recycled.

Take a look at what it takes to make aluminum. It leaves a terrible environmental footprint behind.

The land is stripped of all vegetation and trees, rock and clay are removed by blasting, bulldozing and drilling. A hot caustic soda solution is then used to dissolve the aluminum.  Chemicals are then added to help settle the aluminum. There are 11 more steps in the process, none of them are environmentally friendly.


There is an excellent scientific article you can find if you google “Impact of Bauxite Mining on Quality of Life” that is worth skimming.

Lighter weight than glass, it sounds like an option until you look at what is available and the cost. 3x the price of plastic which means that cost is added on to the price of your product. I hate the idea of paying more for my products because of packaging, especially ugly packaging!

Aluminum can and does leach into products. The human body struggles to excrete aluminum which can lead to an overload over time. Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s, human breast cancer, bone disorders and is considered a neurotoxin. It also affects the growth of human brain cells. 

All aluminum containers are lined with plastic polymers. Most with endocrine disrupting BPA epoxy.  I hate to tell you this but Cocoa Cola still uses BPA lining in their cans. I went directly to their site which proudly claims to use BPA lining. It doesn’t take much googling to find scientific study after study published on PubMed about the dangers of BPA lining. Bottom line: Aluminum uses plastic. Not as much as a plastic container but it uses a more harmful far as I can tell.


  • less plastic
  • recyclable
  • light weight means less shipping costs
  • non breakable
  • fairly easy to find across North America
  • less than half of aluminum is recycled
  • leaching of aluminum happens and can be dangerous to health
  • lined with dangerous plastics including endocrine disruptors
  • mining bauxite to make aluminum has a large negative environmental impact
  • making aluminum is not environmentally friendly.  It requires a huge amount of energy, tons of chemicals, and water before it is even ready to form into containers.

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